Pride & Joy
Photos from inside the line of march | Gay Pride New York

Pride & Joy

Photos from inside the line of march
Gay Pride New York

Pride & Joy is a collection of photographs taken on Gay Pride Day in New York City. For more than a decade, photographer Paul Kimball has been documenting the annual LGBT Pride March from the point of view of a marcher. He’s captured intimate portraits of hundreds of proud and joyful people, marchers as well as spectators and bystanders. It’s a diverse crowd — people of every age, race, ethnic group, religion, and cultural affiliation and every sexual orientation and gender identity. Each year, they come together on the last Sunday in June to celebrate themselves and their communities. Pride & Joy is a remarkable souvenir of those celebrations.

The photographer is seeking a publisher for a book drawn from the Pride & Joy collection as well as gallery representation for the photographs. For information, please send e-mail to

>>Read more about Pride & Joy

>>See sample pages from the Pride & Joy book

Gay Pride New York attracts people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. The photog­­rapher does not intend to imply — nor should you infer — anything about the sexual orien­tation or gender identity of any person portrayed in this website.